Tuesday 27 September 2011

多久没blog了,自从有了twitter它已成为了我每天不能缺少的生命,它是我的小部落格,记载着我每天的点点滴滴、我的心情、写不出的委屈及不满!我对blogspot渐渐腻了。当然我也没有对我挚爱的twitter spam到很过分啦!想知道就去follow吧。相信大家facebooker和follow我的twitter的朋友们都知道我进了医院吧?还真的是第一次亲生体验那种感觉、吊点滴等等!虽说不这么样,但医院总是给人有种灵异的感觉,我呆不下去!还好有他陪了我一整夜!已经整一个星期没吃东西了,人也消瘦许多,很不好看的瘦!至今还没啥胃口吃东西,胃口缩小了。

Thursday 11 August 2011

这几天睡觉时间还算规律,不晓得为啥还是那么累,是因为Period接近了吗?还有,人火气大,脸颊发红,嘴唇严重脱皮 plus uncer! WTH不emo都不行!该死的天气是怎样?是我身上的水分不够还是抵抗力弱?一天超过3大瓶的水,水分到了哪里?希望热气快点退,我还得迎战。many of my readers ask why you so long didn't updated? 不好意思哦,让你们等久了。会一直updared的!


Monday 25 July 2011


Why I upload so much photos of me and him?wookay, very obviously that I want to written down the stories between me and him. Our five monthsary is near the corner, I hope our relationship will getting better & better. We having distance and ages distance, 45mins,25miles and our 5 years differences!i know,many people would like to ask, 'Long distance isn't a problem?'  or else perhaps people would like to ask him 'Your gf younger than you five year,thinking certainly differences?' Whatever, as our mind ages and distance doesn't really matter.  Morever,our appearance just like in the same stage. LMAO
I like matured guy, I don't like arguement...but sometimes the arguement will be more understanding of each other! But not the type of vexatious, should be rational! Actually,im the kind of not rational type,just for sometimes when im emotional.FML! My babyboy is the one who inclusive and accommodate me. No ones is perfect, I need a true person don't need a perfect person. Ocassionally he's dumb, he don't get what i want! I feel like want to kill his dumb!
Sokay temporary skip the nonsense.
The five photos that I combined is I loved the most. WE knew each other in a weirdo scene, from stange to the love one,HAHAHA! He was very powerful to engage in romantic. Both of us are pisces,march baby and our birthday difference between 10 days! peoples used to say pisces always romantic,NEH why im not but my man!
He's not much handsome as my dream guy did but i love him. *don't kick me" LOL!Don't even know how to describe the feeling. Although we fall in love just only 4 months more but we go through ups and downs. A million thanks to him that what he made to me! Accompany me along the way... He is a clown when im moody, He's a man when in a serious case! Feeling well-being your girl!

He kept complaint that I didn't give him enough of security...I will trying to make it perfect! I'll support whatever your choice,always by your sides! don't care any others!
Lotza loves,

Monday 13 June 2011

Pulau Redang Trip

Sorry for the late late late update, Gonna short update here about Pulau Redang!well i've just back from Redang island last few days. It's really not much photos to show,blame the photographer,what he promised but not done!tsk tsk* anyone else don't even know where is Pulau Redang?yeah,lotza peeps asked 'Where is Pulau Redang'? As i thought Pulau Redang not a strange place,cause most of tourist love there! Pulang Redang is somewhere at Terengganu. I actually love the scene there,but loves one said he's lil bit disappointed,the sea not clear as last time but compared to others of course is clearer than those sea!
Hrmm, i gotta share my first experience here,i first time snorkeling!!how proud LMAO!At the first time I don't want snorkeling cause idk swim well,but the loves one gave couraged,he teach me how to snorkeling!No doubt,i had tried it,IT'S JUST FUCKING AWESOME!Never regretted even im darker now. I heard that there have blue sand at night,too bad i've missed it,no ones company me to take a look,the blue sand is only appear at Pulau Redang!sounds disappointed* The place is far from my hotel!Ops,i haven't describe the seaside,i saw coral and lotza beautiful fishie! I gonna stop here! nothing else i could describe,don't even wanto talk the emotional thingy!fml
let's pictures do talk:

My temporary airblush,LOL thinking to make a real one

Friday 10 June 2011

Spread it out

In real life i really don't know how to express my feeling, I only know i always think negative way and gain nothing from being emotional.Fml! It's like something haven't release,kinda suffer feeling. yea,i've just back from Pulau Redang,It was a relax place as i thought,i had nightmare even im having trip,i don't really sleep well,i was like cried in the the nightmare! Feeling was like i couldn't spread it out, I wish i can really cry under the rain. I still feel suffer when im blogging,i feel helpless. I don't want live under the shadow and fears! Appearance shown im tough but seriously a BIG NO! im exactly not! im the one who always depressed with cares,there's nothing more depressing than having it all and still feeling sad. Don't even try to talk something hurt to me, I couldn't handle and stand with it! I cry for nothing but emotional,imsofuckingdumb!
i wanna die,i wanna bleed,i wanna cry,but all i can do is just keep walking with a smile on my face and pretend the scars aren't really there!

Stay tune,will blog about Pulau Redang soon

Tuesday 31 May 2011


我说啊 每个人都有过去是不?无论好与不好的过去,都有重新改过的资格
曾经我 常常与另一半的过去过意不去,也是因为种种的问题我们也分开了 回想起还真的很幼稚。
某些传闻也让我很过意不去 缺乏自信、信任、坦白真的会错过一段恋情
现在有了新恋情 我也了解了他的过去 我觉得我们不应该歧视有过去的孩子,我们更应该爱惜他 尊重他  因为我们往往不了解他当时的心情 有过去的的人不代表不是好人。

Thursday 26 May 2011

我,今天心情平常。七早八早起床到学校课外补习,本不想起床的我,但由于SPM只剩下短短的几个月。不长的时间让我享受玩乐了,本人决定了去6月trip回来后就拼死命了!就算考得不好也没遗憾:) 至少我尽力而为。现在有点疲惫,昨晚又熬夜了,该死的家伙!沉迷于上网,熬夜,搞得我人不像人鬼不像鬼,可不想过着有熊猫眼过生活。看来真的该停止所为了!我需要时间。这个时候,若我是勤劳的学生,手上应该捧着书本的。还是算了吧,放假才刚开始,不想破坏假期的心情!还有一些folio还没完成,得在这假期中赶完了。现在非常懒惰,早餐没吃,等待午餐,但好想睡觉去。心情渐渐烦闷了:( 是怎样?好无奈。对不起刚才对你语气不太好,再次mistake TnT 啊啊啊啊 睡觉去 Bye